Wednesday, November 16

Trial and Error

So in the past week I have started implementing changes in my life style to ultimatly make me a healthier person. All in all I have giving up the goal of losing weight because being healthy is more important. If by being healthy I come to lose the weight I want then so be it.

Here is a break down of my day:

  • 1 cup Green Tea - 0 Calories
  • Large cup of water to take my Vitamin C pills and Woman Oneaday
  • Bowl of sugar free oatmeal with a Rice-cake covered in sugar free grape jam - 185 Calories
  • 1 cup of coffee - 0 Calories
  • 2 Hard boiled eggs with some salt on top - 120
  • 1 boiled Oscar Meyer hot dog (No bun) - 130
  • 1 cup of coffee - 0 calories
  • Snacks through out the day - Murray Sugar free cookies - 130 calories/4 wafers
  • Potato and Cheese Pierogies (Naleway)- 200 Calories/5 perogies
  • Petite Garden Melody (River Valley) - 2/3cup / 30 Calories
  • 1 cup Coffee -0 calories
  • Murray Sugar free cookies - 130 calories/4 wafers
Now if you add that up its about right under 1000 calories for the day. Now remember there are variations for how many times a snack and other little tid bits I munch on. (Child lefts overs DO NOT count in diet) As you can see not everything on there is sugar free, but I still believe that it is a good start to my ultimate goal of no sugar intact. Another thing that you may notice is that I have a cup of coffee after every meal. The reason why I don't that is (1) because I love coffee and (2) Its helps the digestive track to process all of that food. Some days I will skip the coffee entirely and substitute it for green tea which has the same basic benefits and also boosts my immune system. Cant go wrong in my book.

Let me elaborate more on the immune system. If you take care of it then it can actually do its job and CURE YOU, hence why I take Vitamin C. On a normal morning I take about 2000mg of the stuff and on a sick day Ill take my normal dose in the morning and then another dose before I go to bed. Also through out my day I drink glasses and glasses of water. Some make fun of me for it but I just make fun of them for drinking sugary sodas that give them crazy moodswings. As you know the human body is made up of 57% water. So to me it makes sense to flush all that out in a day. Because, lets get real, woman are just a shrine sitting on top of a waste dump. So if you let that water sit in your system, whats going to happen? Its going to get nasty and stale and you are going to pee yellow with a funky smell coming from the toilet. No one wants that, especially the person who goes after you. So do yourself a favor, drink water, cut out soda, save money because water is free, and cleanse your body because it is a beautiful machine that needs to be taken care of.

*Steps off soap box*

Now I do have to admit that I haven't strictly stuck with the work out routine. Ive walked many miles and ran a little but getting all that together with a toddler involved is a little trying. The other part of the work out,
  • 50 Jumping Jacks
  • 5 pushups
  • 20 sit ups
  • 20 mountain climbers
  • 30 second plank
  • 7 burbees
i've really slacked on. I'll admit, it got HARD and I got SORE. Now if only you wouldn't change that into a sexual innuendo because it would have been more enjoyable if it was. *Sigh* Well even thought I was ultimately not a fan of this I am going to try again to complete at least a week.

Something else I have been working toward this past week is to cut out Smoking entirely. So far I am four days in without a cigarette. Thats 96 hours. Now for non-smokers that doesn't seem like much, but for someone that has been an avid smoker since about Sophomore year in highschool, thats an accomplishment. My husband has even decided to cut back to help me smoke less since I don't like kissing an ashtray. So on top of not smoking I have done it with cigarettes in the house. Iron will I tell you.

Well that is my update for the past couple invisible (non existent) posts. Tomorrow I will be going more in depth about why I take vitamins and how the help me feel good and not get sick.

Friday, November 11

Movies to Motivate your Diet.

Now I know its been hard. you've wanted to start dieting but just don't. You say,'I'll start tomorrow.' Well, tomorrow is today. For one simple reason: These movies.

Through these movies I have learned where fast food and processed food comes from, why eating right improves your health (it might even beable to cure cancer) and just shocked me into eating right.

The first movie I recommend is:


"Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine, And Thy Medicine Be Thy Food." - Hippocrates That is the message from the founding father of modern medicine echoed in this brave new documentary film brought to you by Producer-Directors James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch. 'Food Matters' is a hard hitting, fast paced look at our current state of health. Despite the billions of dollars of funding and research into new so-called cures we continue to suffer from a raft of chronic ills and every day maladies. Patching up an over-toxic and over-indulgent population with a host of toxic therapies and nutrient sparse foods is definitely not helping the situation. In a personal quest of discovery James & Laurentine together with a film crew and the editorial and production expertise of Enzo Tedeschi have set out on an independent mission to uncover the wholesome truth. The filmmakers have interviewed several world leaders in nutrition and natural healing who claim that not only are we harming our bodies with improper nutrition, but that the right kind of foods, supplements and detoxification can be used to treat chronic illnesses as fatal as terminally diagnosed cancer. 'Food Matters' seeks to uncover the business of disease and at the same time explore the safe, cheap and effective use of nutrition and supplementation for preventing and often reversing the underlying causative aspects of the illness. With the premise of the film being: access to solid information helps people invariably make better choices for their health. The 'Food Matters' duo have independently funded the film from start to finish in order to remain as unbiased as possible, delivering a clear and concise message to the world. Food Matters.


The film makes many controversial claims, but, it details the scientific studies that support them and it conveys and clarifies the often complex concepts in the scientific controversies it deals with in a way that is targeted to the general public.

During the film, Tom goes on an all-fast-food diet, mainly eating food from McDonald's. For his daily dietary intake, he aims to keep his calories to around 2,000 and his carbs to around 100 grams per day, but he doesn't restrict fat at all. He ends up eating about 100 grams of fat per day, of which about 50 grams are saturated.His personal experiment does seem to agree with the evidence cited in the film that suggests that the lipid hypothesis is not only incorrect, but perhaps is contributing to the problem it seeks to remedy.


In Food, Inc., filmmaker Robert Kenner lifts the veil on our nation's food industry, exposing the highly mechanized underbelly that has been hidden from the American consumer with the consent of our government's regulatory agencies, USDA and FDA. Our nation's food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. We have bigger-breasted chickens, the perfect pork chop, herbicide-resistant soybean seeds, even tomatoes that won't go bad, but we also have new strains of E. coli—the harmful bacteria that causes illness for an estimated 73,000 Americans annually. We are riddled with widespread obesity, particularly among children, and an epidemic level of diabetes among adults.


German filmmaker Doris Dörrie documents a summer in the life of renowned Zen practitioner and cook Edward Espe Brown as he teaches culinary classes in Zen centers in Austria and California, revealing the role food plays in our bodies and spirits. Informative, provocative and funny, Brown serves up a unique combination of inspiring wisdom and kitchen skills that will raise even the most demanding foodie to new spiritual and gastronomic heights.

Good Luck and enjoy. Oh, and did I mention that they are ALL on Netflix for FREE. What are you waiting for?

An Update and an Education

So for the past two days I have taken a break from my blog and my work out. I have stayed with the diet and continued walking but also allotted time for my muscles to recover. During that time I decided to do a little research into what im eating. Which led to the decision of my new years resolution: No More Sugar. Ever. The reason why I have made this choice was to prove I could do it. Sugar is very addictive, sugar is in almost everything we eat. Sugar causes mood swings and weight gain. Well, I have already quit smoking, so I figured if I could do that then I could do anything.

Now onto food, because until the time comes for me to quit sugar I WILL be eating healthy+sugar.

My first food of the day is:

Buffalo chicken rolls.

I chose to save this recipe for the little bites. They are tiny and could easily be regulated for quantity variances. And dont they just look so Nomy.
You can find the recipe here

Next is Sun Dried Tomato, Goat Cheese and Olive Oil Loaf
This just sounds so delicious I cant control myself. Just cut off a slice and you have a little snack.
Here is where you can find the recipe

My two next post will be covering (1) good healthy and CHEAP snacks on a diet and (2) my experience going through my parents pantry to understand how much im going to have to throw away. Looking forward to it. :)

Tuesday, November 8

Hung Over and NOT Giving Up

Needless to say I didn't drink enough water last night and I was very dehydrated this morning. so instead of giving in to my stupid decisions I decided to walk 2.5 with my good friend Matt this morning. Matt is also trying to live a healthier life style and he was the one who was always walking with me when I lost my first 30 pounds. My little 2 year old daughter also walked about half a mile like a champ. But she soon got tired and wanted to ride in the stroller again. Im so proud I'm teaching her good life long habits. We also raced a little bit while walking around the mall. We chose the mall today for nostalgia and it was raining outside today. i don't mind but not good for the little one. One major thing I noticed when running with her is that it was much easier today than yesterday. I wasn't as out of breath and I could tell it raised my endorphins. I think partially was because my little girl was giggle and running beside me. It only took us about 40 minutes to walk 2.5 miles with a toddler. Not our best time but Im still proud of it.

So now that Im home from our walk i see on Tv ninja Warrior. For me thats a hell of alot of motivation for me. Competing has been one of my lifetime goals. Alas I dont believe I will ever get an invite. If they did I would like them to introduce me as a stay at home mom who dominates.

Even though I skipped my ab workout this morning I still walked and worked out my posterior. Which ironically made me feel less hungover thank fully.

The whole point to this point of the post is I didnt give up. I didn't let my set back set me back. I pushed through it. I climbed over that wall. I crawled under that wall. I busted through it, and I feel much better for it.

Monday, November 7


So.... Running

Running has never been my strength. To tell you the truth, I absolutely abhorred the 20 minute run they made us do in middle school. But determination can solve anything right? Well this morning I was determined to wake up this morning at 6:30am and go running. It started out slow. I rolled over to my alarm and pushed the snooze. Then I sleepyly found my sweats that set out the night before. (Now the hard part) I reached up and turning on the light to guarantee I got out of bed. I laid back in bed and stretched my way to the door. Nothing was going to stop me this morning, not even myself.
The morning was quiet. Delightfully quiet. I put in my ear buds and was on my way. I started out strong and ran about a half a mile before my ears and chest started hurting. I pushed myself another quarter then slowed to a brisk walk. I can believe how much I felt the muscles in my bum work and tighten. It was.... exhilarating. But even though I quit smoking two weeks ago I dont think my lungs are ready for a full on run. Little do they know that I will be pushing them again tomorrow.
The moke playlist I made for running also helped out as much as I found out that some songs just didnt work.

Here is my Running Playlist:
Lose Yourself - Eminem
Howling for You - The Black Keys
Gold Guns Girls - Metric
Helena Beat - Foster the People
Pumped Up Kicks - Foster the People

This is technically only half of my playlist I listened to but it was the one that motivated me. I was pumped whnever these songs came on and I couldn't help but run to the beat (180). It was a nice little workout and I hope i can keep it up.

My goal for the running should come to fruition on December 15th 2012 for "Run For Your Lives" in Austin Texas.

Its a 5K marathon that has you running from Zombies and going through obstacles to win. all they had to say was Zombie and I was in.
This is my goal.
I will succeed
I will not get caught by zombies.
I will have a firm runners ass by next year.

Sunday, November 6

Nom Nom Nom Healthy Food

1) Granola, Peanut Butter, and Apple Sandwich
2)7-Layer Greek Dip
3) Zucchini Pizza: just add cheese and peppornni. Bake.
4) Banana and Peanut Butter Ice Cream